Communication & Media Studies
pdf | | 2023-05-16 | Author:The Great Reset Conspiracy Smoothie (2020)

( Category: Communication & Media Studies October 14,2023 )
epub |eng | 2023-05-30 | Author:Emily Lynn Paulson [Paulson, Emily Lynn]

It’s Lonely (and Ugly) at the Top I am a proud Asian/African Amer­i­can woman. I hon­estly wanted to be the one to change the white MLM world. Now, I re­al­ize ...
( Category: Communication & Media Studies August 18,2023 )
pdf |en | | Author: Julia Genz; Ulrike Küchler

( Category: Communication & Media Studies August 17,2023 )
epub |eng | 0101-01-01 | Author:Graham Hancock [Hancock, Graham]

The ‘Greek Hermenes’ is understood to be, of course, Hermes (the Thoth of the Egyptians and the Mercury of the Romans). As for ‘Hermes the Father of Wise Men’, there ...
( Category: Communication & Media Studies July 31,2023 )
pdf | | 2017-10-06 | Author:Eric Dubay [Dubay, Eric]

( Category: Communication & Media Studies July 31,2023 )
pdf | | 0101-01-01 | Author:John Coleman [Coleman, John]

( Category: Communication & Media Studies July 31,2023 )
pdf | | 0101-01-01 | Author:Antony C. Sutton [Sutton, Antony C.]

( Category: Communication & Media Studies July 31,2023 )
pdf | | 2016-05-20 | Author:Eric Dubay [Dubay, Eric]

( Category: Communication & Media Studies July 31,2023 )
pdf |en | | Author: Johan Jarlbrink, Patrik Lundell, Pelle Snickars

( Category: Communication & Media Studies June 29,2023 )
epub |eng | | Author:Rob Eschmann

I really don’t care about making wypipo uncomfortable because majority of them are completely unaware of their privilege. Anyway idk ever since I started working here I’ve experienced so much ...
( Category: Communication & Media Studies June 13,2023 )
epub |eng | | Author:Anna Bogutskaya

THE SLUT IS DEAD, LONG LIVE THE SLUT When we think about sexually liberated, sex-positive female characters onscreen, promiscuity is no longer the frontier: it’s honesty and agency. We’re moving ...
( Category: Communication & Media Studies June 13,2023 )